sad dog (G)

agricultural report (G)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

please comment and give a review for any of these films.

1 comment:

cat soup NOT RATED (contains extreme graphic animated material)

nausicaa of the valley of the wind (PG mild violence) feature length

love and basketball (M15+ sexual references, occasional coarse language) feature length

waking life (M15+ ocasional violence, occasional impactful coarse language) feature length

Serial Experiments Lain Ep. 1 (PG suicide scene)

Serial Experiments Lain Ep. 2 (M15+ low level violence, suicide theme)

Serial Experiments Lain Epi. 3 (PG suicide theme)

animeCRAZE: Lain Reveiw

animeCRAZE: Cat Soup (TV Series) review

marry me. tropfest 2008 winner (G)

Be My Brother. Tropfest 09 Winner

obama2009 (NOT RATED)