sad dog (G)

agricultural report (G)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

please comment and give a review for any of these films.

cat soup NOT RATED (contains extreme graphic animated material)

nausicaa of the valley of the wind (PG mild violence) feature length

love and basketball (M15+ sexual references, occasional coarse language) feature length

waking life (M15+ ocasional violence, occasional impactful coarse language) feature length

Serial Experiments Lain Ep. 1 (PG suicide scene)

Serial Experiments Lain Ep. 2 (M15+ low level violence, suicide theme)

Serial Experiments Lain Epi. 3 (PG suicide theme)

animeCRAZE: Lain Reveiw

animeCRAZE: Cat Soup (TV Series) review

marry me. tropfest 2008 winner (G)

Be My Brother. Tropfest 09 Winner

obama2009 (NOT RATED)